Choose your intended recipient from the drop-down list below. If you aren’t sure who should receive your files, please select “NO SALESPERSON” from the drop-down.
Choose a recipient from the pull-down list.
Enter YOUR information (your email, name & company) into the fields listed. Be sure to double check your email address as the upload confirmation will be sent there.
A few reminders: If possible, please zip or stuff all necessary files into a single archive. Name the archive/files so that they are easily identifiable (please include company name and/or job name). You are able to drag-and-drop or select multiple files to upload. You and your intended recipient will receive a confirmation email upon successful upload. The email will be sent from noreply@csi2.com, so check your spam folder if you do not receive it. No confirmation email means the upload was not successful.
NOTE: All uploaded files will be deleted from the transfer site after 7 days.
Having trouble? Please contact your CSR or CSI salesperson for assistance. Thank you!